Mission statement
- Lead the development of a laser targetry strategy within Europe
- Engage at an early stage with academic and industrial partners to identify opportunities for targetry development
- Coordinate funding applications for large scale disruptive targetry technology grants
- Educate and engage the end user community and disseminate targetry knowledge
Targetry Suppliers Network Board
- Martin Tolley
- Gabriel Schaumann
- Rodrigo Lopez-Martens
- Manolo Perlado
- Jörg Schreiber
Grant co-ordination group:
- François Sylla
- Chris Spindloe
- Jean-Eric Ducret
- Manolo Perlado
Head Office: STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, Oxford, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom.

Attendees at the formation meeting of the TSN (8th-9th June 2016, Milton Hill House, Oxfordshire)
The European high power laser (HPL) community is growing with a significant number of PW-scale facilities coming on line as well as very large scale Facilities such as ELI, LMJ and XFEL. The facilities will enable an increasing range of research in many of key areas of science. It is also clear that high energy, high repetition rate (1-10Hz) systems are becoming more accessible in terms of price bringing the prospect of transitioning HPL research into industrial applications.
Inevitably in the future high energy laser target production is going to expand with an increasing variety of complex technologies being integrated to meet the requirements of experimenters. The demands of high repetition rates will bring additional opportunities for targetry and solving the challenges will be a major industrial enabler.